One down, three more to go. I've completed my first semester of grad school. It is remarkable the amount of information one can learn in four months. Soil chemistry and structure, woody plant cultivars, design theory and composition. I have met so many talented students, I am taken away.
My classmates after a design scavenger hunt we had on campus grounds. Photo taken April 2014 at the Horticulture Hall entrance lobby with its beautiful wall murals. From left to right, Caitlin, Cris, Jake, Laura, Chris, Ryan, Claire, Katrina, Andrew and Mike.
Most of them are undergraduate juniors and seniors and will be graduating ahead of me. I already know I will miss them all. I shared both my design theory course and landscape studio with this crazy bunch; their energy and enthusiasm is contagious.
One of the best days of the semester was during my woody cultivar course. You know you're in for a good time when you are greeted with this scene as you walk into the classroom.
An assortment of branches, freshly cut from campus trees by our professor the night before, complete with number tags, ready for identification on his desk.
Can you guess which tree these belong to?
These are the moments that made my semester memorable. So, goodbye Spring 2014, and thank you.